Write to us, leave us a thought

Hello my name is Licia Perna and I am the owner of the house, I am here to clarify all your doubts about SempreVerde or maybe ask for something about your stay! We are available almost at all times of the day, we try to answer as soon as possible, if we were to delay we apologize in advance.

Name :

Email :

Message :

Dichiaro di avere letto la Privacy Policy e do il consenso al trattamento dei miei dati personali per ricevere le informazioni richieste


Address :

via vittorio emanuele orlando


Punta Secca - RG

Check-In :

15:00 am

Phone :

+39 339 631 3732 +39 328 182 6719

Email :

Check-Out :

11:00 am